Does thinlinc suport the LXQT windows manager?

The only meaningful hit in Google I could find on this subject is a Ticket back in 2020 with a task to include a profile for LXQT, and the ticket’s still open.
-Jose Borreguero

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I think lxqt should work fine. The ticket is about having a lxqt profile listed in the Profile selection dialog when a user has logged in.

I verified with installing lxqt on Ubuntu Focal fossa (20.04) with

apt install lxqt

then I appended to /opt/thinlinc/etc/conf.d/profiles.hconf:

xdg_session=LXQT lxqt
name=LXQT Desktop
name[de]=LXQT Desktop
name[es]=Escritorio LXQT
name[it]=Desktop LXQT
name[fr]=Bureau LXQT
name[nl]=LXQT Desktop
name[pt_BR]=Desktop LXQT
name[ru]=Рабочий стол LXQT
name[tr]=LXQT Masaüstü
description=LXQT is a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. It is designed to be user friendly and slim, while keeping the resource usage low.
description[de]=LXQT ist eine leichte und schnelle Dektop-Umgebung. Sie wurde speziell dafür entwickelt, benutzerfreundlich und schlank zu sein und die Ressourcenauslastung gering zu halten.
description[es]=LXQT es un entorno de escritorio que es ligero y rápido. Está diseñado para ser fácil de usar y sencillo, manteniendo al mismo tiempo un bajo consumo de recursos.
description[it]=LXQT è un ambiente desktop leggero e veloce. È progettato per essere snello, intuitivo e con un ridotto consumo di risorse.
description[fr]=LXQT est un environnement de bureau léger et rapide. Il est conçu pour être facile d'utilisation et consommer peu de ressources.
description[nl]=LXQT is een lichte en snelle desktopomgeving die ontworpen is om gebruikersvriendelijk en slank te zijn, terwijl het gebruik van bronnen beperkt blijft.
description[pt_BR]=O LXQT é um ambiente desktop leve e rápido. Ele é projetado para ser amigável e compacto, mantendo baixo o uso de recursos.
description[ru]=LXQT - это легкая и быстрая среда рабочего стола. Она разработана для удобства пользователя, сохраняя при этом низкое использование ресурсов.
description[sv]=LXQT är en skrivbordsmiljö som är lättviktig och snabb. Den är designad för att vara användarvänlig och enkel, samtidigt som resursanvändningen hålls låg.
description[tr]=LXQT, hafif ve hızlı bir masaüstü ortamıdır. Kaynak kullanımını düşük tutarken, kullanıcı dostu ve ince olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.

Please note that the description text above is not correct, it’s the from lxde.

also added lxqt to the order= at the top of profiles.hconf, like so:

order=lxqt unity ubuntu gnome gnome-classic kde xfce cinnamon mate lxde

LXQT in Profile Chooser

LXQT Desktop running

With best regards,

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Hi Martin,

Thanks a lot for the detailed reply. I’m going to try it 'cause I really hate Ubuntu’s
default Gnome desktop :smiley:

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I followed your steps and I verified I can login to the server with LXQT. :grinning:

I had to use the client installed in the server machine and connect via localhost because I’m having the Connection to server timed out error message when connecting to the server from other machines, but I guess I’ll leave that for other Topic question.

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Glad to hear that you’re able to use LXQT aswell!

Yeah, go ahead and create new topic for new issue, sounds good :slight_smile:
