Match resolution to client so there’s no scaling


Great application ! I’m using latest ThinkLinc to share Ubuntu desktop to Apple Mac.

The resolution is @ 1440p and get’s scaled up which results in minor blurring. I can live with it but it would be nice to set the server to send at 2880x1800 which is the current macOS resolution. How can I do this ?

Hi @MZF,

Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear you’re enjoying ThinLinc.

I think what you’re experiencing is due to lack of high DPI support, which isn’t currently available in the ThinLinc client. See:

The good news is that we’re in the process of upgrading the toolkit used by the client, which should provide support for high DPI (among other things).

@CendioOssman @samuel does this sound about right?

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I’m afraid the current plans are only for improving the look of the client interface on high DPI monitors. It will not change anything about the look of the remote session. That is unfortunately a much more complex beast, aggravated by the fragmented support on the Linux platform.

Hi @MZF ,

Thank you so much for this great tool, @CendioOssman & aaron! It is by far the best remote desktop solution for Linux that I’ve come across so far.

I finally found a workaround for high resolution displays:

The key is to set scaling to 100% on the system that you start the thinlinc client on. I’ve tested this on Windows 11 and macOS with a 4K display (3840x2160). While it is a bit inconvenient having to navigate on a desktop where all the icons are tiny, it’s well worth it, once you’ve entered your thinlinc session via thinlinc client.

If you start your thinlinc session with 100% scaling, the native resolution of your display is actually recognised on the remote linux OS. Then you finally get the opportunity to choose the native resolution of your display and you can sort out the scaling on the remote system. This only takes a few seconds and the quality improvement you get from this workaround is absolutely stunning:

For a step-by-step guide, go to: Crisp Cendio Thinlinc sessions on high resolution displays (e.g. 4K) | ⇨ /'læŋgwɪtʃ/ ⇨ /'læŋgwɪdʒ/

I hope this helps a few more people in this community.

Best wishes,

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