The Cendio way of working as a team

We believe that an engaged and well-connected team is capable of having more creative ideas and also taking the work to the next level. Here at Cendio, we see the results of this engagement and connection every single day. That’s why we encourage our team to keep doing this incredible work through traditional activities after each monthly meeting.

Before the winter, for example, we relaxed together by going on a canoe trip. We went to a beach where we grilled sausages, fished, and enjoyed a lovely autumn day. These moments are essential for our team development.

More recently, we also challenged our team with a diving day. After all, innovating means leaving the comfort zone. So we swapped our computers for wetsuits and developed our communication and concentration (even underwater) as a team. After the submerged exercises and a lot of fun, we went to a Mexican restaurant where some of our spouses met up. This was certainly a day to stay in our memory!

However, our team dynamics are not only developed through special events but also on a daily basis, mixing coffee with fun and companionship, with Fika and Fredagskul. Click here if you want to learn more about these essential activities for us.