Xfce works, but GNOME and GNOME Classic fails to start

The client works without problem if I choose Xfce, but fails when trying both Gnome or Gnome classics (“Oh no Something has gone wrong!”).

Find no hints in neither vsmagent.log nor vsmserver.log. In xinit.log there are warnings like “X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.” but it is also stated that this is not fatal.

Any hints would be appreciated!


Hello @klegg1, and welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing problems. Would you mind sharing the session log file when you’re trying to launch a GNOME session? The session log file is found in

Kind regards,

Hello, and thanks for looking into this!

Maybe not related, but regarding Xfce (on which the client works) I could only get hardware support if I used lightdm instead of gdm.

Thanks again!


(Attachment xinit.log is missing)

A Display Manager, such as lightdm / gdm is not relevant in ThinLinc, since these are not used for launching ThinLinc sessions. ThinLinc doesn’t use the display manager of the system, so changes it to it will not affect ThinLinc.

I think you forgot the attachment?

Kind regards,

Hi, attach failed. Try pasting below instead.

Thanks again!

xauth:  file /var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/tegner/11/Xauthority does not exist
tl-xinit: Waiting for Xserver to accept connections...

Xvnc ThinLinc release 4.15.0 build 3358 - built Aug 21 2023 07:22:38
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
See https://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
Underlying X server release 12013000

(II) Initializing extension VNC-EXTENSION

Mon Oct 16 09:07:01 2023
 vncext:      VNC extension running!
 vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on local interface(s), port 5911
 vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
(II) Initializing extension Generic Event Extension
(II) Initializing extension SHAPE
(II) Initializing extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing extension XTEST
(II) Initializing extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Initializing extension SYNC
(II) Initializing extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing extension XC-MISC
(II) Initializing extension XFIXES
(II) Initializing extension RENDER
(II) Initializing extension RANDR
(II) Initializing extension COMPOSITE
(II) Initializing extension DAMAGE
(II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Initializing extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) Initializing extension RECORD
(II) Initializing extension DPMS
(II) Initializing extension Present
(II) Initializing extension DRI3
(II) Initializing extension X-Resource
(II) Initializing extension XVideo
(II) Initializing extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Initializing extension GLX
(II) IGLX: Loaded and initialized swrast
(II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server

Mon Oct 16 09:07:02 2023
 Connections: accepted:
 VNCSConnST:  closing Clean disconnection
 EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 0
 EncodeManager:   Total: 0 rects, 0 pixels
 EncodeManager:          0 B (1:-nan ratio)
 Connections: closed:
 ComparingUpdateTracker: 0 pixels in / 0 pixels out
 ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:-nan ratio)
tl-xinit: Xserver ready for clients.
--- System information ---
ThinLinc 4.15.0
Linux noboru02 5.14.0-284.25.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Aug 8 04:07:27 EDT 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
AlmaLinux release 9.2 (Turquoise Kodkod)
--- End system information ---
Fontconfig warning: "/usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/05-reset-dirs-sample.conf", line 6: unkno
wn element "reset-dirs"
Fontconfig warning: "/usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/05-reset-dirs-sample.conf", line 6: unknown element "reset-dirs"
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/01-tl-kinit.sh (Obtaining Kerberos ticket)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/02-tl-dbus-launch.sh (Starting session D-Bus server)
Starting new session D-Bus server...
Setting initial D-Bus and systemd environment...
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/03-tl-x11-allow-localuser
localuser:tegner being added to access control list
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/11-tl-set-title (Setting client window title)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/12-tl-default-keyboard (Configuring default keyboard layout)
Setting default keyboard layout to "us"
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/15-tl-shadow-notify (Enabling notifications when the session is shadowed)

Mon Oct 16 09:07:05 2023
 Connections: accepted:
 SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
 SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/20-tl-select-profile.sh (Choosing a profile)
 VNCSConnST:  Replacing existing connection
 VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/30-tl-xdg-user-dirs (Translating standard folders)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/40-tl-mount-localdrives (Mounting local drives)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/41-tl-lp-redir-launch (Setting up printer port redirection)
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/43-tl-pulseaudio-launch.sh (Starting session PulseAudio server)
W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Couldn't canonicalize binary path, cannot self execute.
Session PulseAudio server started. Redirecting applications...
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d/50-tl-wait-smartcard (Waiting for smart card connection)
Client has no smartcard capability
Stopping initial window manager...
Executing profile: gnome
Using XDG session: gnome
Updating D-Bus and systemd environment...
Ignoring invalid environment variable: 'BASH_FUNC_which%%'
Executing XDG session command: gnome-session

Mon Oct 16 09:07:15 2023
 ComparingUpdateTracker: 7.76469 Mpixels in / 3.9643 Mpixels out
 ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:1.95865 ratio)
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
>                   This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
Profile command exited with exit code 0
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xlogout.d/tl-kdestroy.sh
Running /opt/thinlinc/etc/xlogout.d/tl-umount-localdrives
tl-xinit: client terminated and returned 0
tl-xinit: Terminating X server...
X I/O error
tl-while-x11: lost Xserver connection, terminating child 332665 ...
tl-while-x11: lost Xserver connection, terminating child 332678 ...

Mon Oct 16 09:07:30 2023
 VNCSConnST:  closing Server shutdown
 EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 1054
 EncodeManager:   Tight:
 EncodeManager:     Solid: 361 rects, 4.1599 Mpixels
 EncodeManager:            5.64062 KiB (1:2881.57 ratio)
 EncodeManager:     Bitmap RLE: 74 rects, 23.187 kpixels
 EncodeManager:                 2.25098 KiB (1:40.623 ratio)
 EncodeManager:     Indexed RLE: 720 rects, 961.696 kpixels
 EncodeManager:                  239.495 KiB (1:15.7208 ratio)
 EncodeManager:   Tight (JPEG):
 EncodeManager:     Full Colour: 858 rects, 3.96956 Mpixels
 EncodeManager:                  2.33477 MiB (1:6.48993 ratio)
 EncodeManager:   Total: 2.013 krects, 9.11434 Mpixels
 EncodeManager:          2.57636 MiB (1:13.5041 ratio)
 ComparingUpdateTracker: 22.8097 Mpixels in / 4.44434 Mpixels out
 ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:5.13231 ratio)
tl-xinit: Xserver terminated and returned 0
tl-xinit: deleting ../12.1697440021.ended
tl-xinit: Session terminated. Exiting.

Quick question, do you have a local gnome session started on the server for this same user account?


No, should be nothing running there (have tried doing “pkill -u user” on the server before connecting).

When connecting the desktop becomes visible, but as soon as I try anything on it it crashes out.


Ok. Nothing obvious in the session log, though. ThinLinc seems to be running fine, but something makes GNOME misbehave. Did you find anything in the journal log that could indicate what’s up with GNOME?


One thing stands out (it’s in red):
“Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Subscription.desktop”


Seems to be working if I update



[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNOME subscription management

No idea why…

Thanks again!

Odd that a single autostart entry would cause a complete loss. What changes did you make to org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Subscription.desktop?


I removed the line:


and changed from “false” to “true” in the line:


(without knowing what I was doing…).
