Disable home shares via a profile setting?

By default Thinlinc creates an NFS mountpoint of the local drive on the remote host. I would like to avoid creating the shares.

I use the old trick of opening different connections by double-clicking the *.tlclient files.

I found the commands to manually unmount them etc. but I want to avoid creating the mounts to begin with.

Is there a parameter that can be added to the profiles to prevent the mount exports?

I tried this -


but that didn’t have any affect.

I poked around to see if I could find it but never found anything that looked to address what I wanted.

Any info is greatly appreciated

Hi @mscroggi,

You can disable the mounting of local drives for all users by removing the following symlink on the server:


To disable it for specific profiles might be a bit trickier. You could try calling /opt/thinlinc/bin/tl-umount-localdrives as part of the cmdline parameter in profiles.hconf. Perhaps something like this would work (example for an XFCE profile):

cmdline=/opt/thinlinc/bin/tl-umount-localdrives && xfce-session

Let us know how you get on.

@aaron Ah thats perfect! Thanks a ton!

tiny tweak - I found the link in /opt/thinlinc/etc/xstartup.d

Works perfectly.

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