Hi team,
I set up latest version of the software (agent, server, tlwebaccess on the same server) to my satisfaction.
I need to get access to the server via the web access solution.
Unfortunately the URL’s get expanded by the port, for example
I want it to be
I want to have access to the server from behind restrictive firewalls, which only allow port 443.
The port 9443 gets redirected to port 443 by the sslh port multiplexer software.
As another option I made some changes to my webaccess.conf.
This is part of my webaccess.hconf
*# The url to the login page. *
# Example: https://thinlinc.example.com:300/
# The port on which to run the webserver
# This parameter controls the order and availability of TLS ciphers
# and handshake options for GnuTLS, also called a GnuTLS priority
# string.
O. K. I defined the login_page parameter to work around, but
strange thing, even though the login page defines the port “443”, instead the generated URL contains the wrong string “9443” - httpps://tl.myserver.com:9443/agent
So the wrong port is getting inserted after being logged in (…/agent).
And yes, I restarted all processes to apply all changes.
I kindly ask you to verify, and give some opinion on that.
P. S. Don’t stumble upon “httpps” - this system does not allow for more than two URLs so I needed to do this trick…