Remote access/ Behind a NAT

Hello @garrom, and welcome to the forum!

First of, sorry for letting you wait this long for a response from us.

I think the easiest way forward for you is to set up HOST_ALIASES.
This set up requires three steps to be taken.

    1. Configure HOST_ALIASES in ~/.thinlinc/tlclient.conf
    1. Start an ssh tunnel from your laptop to your internal server (over the forwarded port in xfinity)
    1. Connect with ThinLinc client, utilizing step 1 and 2
  1. Configure HOST_ALIASES in ~/.thinlinc/tlclient.conf

Replace with the actual internal IP address of your Ubuntu server.

Save tlclient.conf and exit

  1. Before launching ThinLinc client, set up the ssh tunnel to your internal server from your laptop:
ssh -L 2222: username@your.public.ip

Again, replace with the actual internal IP address of your Ubuntu server. Also replace your.public.ip with the public ip address of your xfinity router.

  1. Start ThinLinc Client. For the Server: field, you’ll enter the internal IP address of your Ubuntu server.

This connection will now look up the HOST_ALIAS parameter in tlclient.conf, and utilize the local tunnel on port 2222 to reach your internal server at.

Kind regards,

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