Welcome to the ThinLinc Community Forum!

This is a space for ThinLinc users and enthusiasts, as well as those interested in learning more about the solution and related systems. Here you will meet people from a wide range of industries and disciplines, find answers to common questions, discussions on different topics, and general information pertaining to ThinLinc.

Please have a read through our community guidelines, terms of service and privacy statement prior to using the forum.

New users will automatically be subscribed to the #announcements category, and receive a notification email for each new post made there. This is a very low-volume category for important announcements by Cendio staff, for example new releases and security alerts. It is recommended you remain subscribed to this category. However, if you wish to unsubscribe, this can be done in your user settings.

If you prefer to use the forum more like a traditional email-based mailing list, you can enable mailing list mode in your user settings, under the Email section.

For reporting bugs, please use the Cendio Bugzilla. Customers with current ThinLinc subscriptions should send their support queries to support@cendio.com.

ThinLinc is a Linux-based remote desktop server from Cendio. Further information about ThinLinc can be found at https://cendio.com. To get in touch, contact one of our friendly team members right here on this forum, or email us at contact@cendio.com.