"You are not authorized to connect to this server" Error when Inserting Smart Card

I reviewed this 2021 post → "You are not authorized to connect to this server", but that solution is for a different problem.

I can login via SSH to the server via the TL client. When I enable Smart Card access and insert the smart card, the error appears immediately.

In additional to Martin’s excellent assistance here,Challenges with Smart Card Setup on New ThinLinc Install - #7 by martin

I also reviewed and incorporated much information from here: How to set up authentication in ThinLinc with PKCS #15 smart cards

I ensured that the ssh server on the TLs is open (no access restrictions except password) and removed the original access group.

No ssh log entries appear on the local machine. But there are plenty of entries on the TLserver.

Invalid user 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#
Connection closed by invalid user 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#

To contrast, when I use the Password security, the sshd log entries looks like this (removing the date-time stamp hostname and process ID:

Accepted password for test from port 52046 ssh2
pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user test by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sshd:sesison): session closed for user test

The user ID value must be coming off of the smart card, but uncertain what would cause this. Please advise. Any assistance is appreciated as I’m almost done with the first units for the POC. I can almost taste it.

Make sure your entry in /etc/passwdaliases are correct, as we dicussed in the other thread