I assume you have created some standard system users to log in as (see “How do I create a ThinLinc user?”). If so, are you able to SSH into the server as these users?
Yes, we are able to SSH into the server as these users.
I checked the VSM logs. No mention of the attempts to sign in as a user other than the one I installed under. I also created a new linux user to check if that works. That doesn’t work either.
Any idea where is the login attempt logged? Maybe that’ll shed light into it.
Just to clarify, we are trying to log in using the username and .pem file.
Odd, because it sounds like the ThinLinc connection is failing very early on, while attempting to create the SSH tunnel which all client traffic is sent across. Are there any clues in your sshd logs on the server? There may be something in the client logs too, the location of which is described in the documentation here: Logfile placement — The ThinLinc Administrator's Guide 4.15.0 build 3358 documentation
I solved the problem at least temporarily. The issue is that, we use both password and key for authentication to the AWS instance. Thinlinc is working if we switch to key-only authentication.