Can't connect to localhost:1010

Installed thinlinc server on Lubuntu 24.04 LTS and tried to connect localhost:1010 to configure. Was unable to connect.

No process is listening on port 1010.

Interesting to note that there is no thinlinc file in /etc/apparmor.d even though the install asked to configure apparmor.

I found this in the journal:

Feb 04 10:21:27 charon systemd[1]: tlwebadm.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
Feb 04 10:21:27 charon systemd[1]: tlwebadm.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Feb 04 10:21:27 charon systemd[1]: Failed to start tlwebadm.service - ThinLinc Web Administration.

which doesn’t look good :frowning:

Hi @perdrix,

Are there any clues in /var/log/tlwebadm.log as to why the service is failing to start up?

2025-02-04 10:19:58 ERROR tlwebadm[1384]: No password configured. Exiting.

PS I was never asked to configure a password?
PPS It would be helpful if the log files were world readable.

With that hint and some help from dpkg -l I used /opt/thinlinc/sbin/tl-gen-auth to generate a password which I inserted into /opt/thinlinc/etc/conf.d/tlwebadm.hconf.

The did a systemctl daemon-reloadand then started the tlwebadm daemon using systemctl start tlwebadm

Now able to get into web admin

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@perdrix great to hear.

You should be asked to configure a password during installation, but perhaps it got missed somehow. Glad you got it sorted anyway.