I used nomachine and it works, but from my current client with Debian Sway (Wayland) the graphics are horrible and not really usable. on x11 setups no problem.
So I decided to give Thinlinc a try and installed it on 3 debian 12/13 servers and all had initial problems, which is frustrating.
- on the Debians with Mate I got an error message “Could not acquire name on session bus”
I found fairly quickly the working solution by “… Updated /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99mate-environment with “unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS” …" - but the 2nd Debian - Mate DE is using a different agent IP. I also found a solution to that one, but it would be awesome if during the tl server setup the ip@ could be chosen while being on the server for server and agent. I will try the tl-config /vsmagent/agent_hostname=<valid_hostname> but I am working with IPs
- the third system is a VPS with different SSH port, 2FA, no password and keys. I opened a thread for that one already. So login in via SSH works fine, but with the thinlinc client not working.
So at this point only 1 out of 3 is working and that is poor.