Interactive HPC Using ThinLinc @ CIUK

As part of the Computing Insight UK conference (100% virtual for the first time this year!), Dr. Richard Martin from the University of Strathclyde will be making a presentation on interactive HPC using ThinLinc. Registration is free and open to anyone who is interested, details below:

  • When: 2020-11-26T14:00:00Z
  • Who: Dr Richard Martin, High Performance Computing Manager, ARCHIE-WeSt, University of Strathclyde
  • What: Interactive High Performance Computing using ThinLinc
  • Where: Zoom webinar

Presentation abstract, speaker bio, and registration at the following link:

See you there!


How long is this webinar?

Hi @nicolas.erdody, welcome to the forum.

It should run about 60 minutes, with ~40 minutes for the presentation and ~20 minutes for Q&A afterwards.

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A recording of this presentation can now be found here: