ThinLinc 4.16.0 Beta

Exciting news! We’re happy to share that the upcoming release of ThinLinc is just around the corner, and it’s packed with more than 30 enhancements and fixes to elevate your experience. :rocket:

We’re thrilled to invite you to be part of our beta testing phase. Your feedback is invaluable, so please take this pre-release version for a spin. Discover the changes, report any hiccups, and let us know what you think. Your insights will help us fine-tune the final version, which is at the doorstep.

:globe_with_meridians: Download the Beta: Ready to explore the enhancements firsthand? Head over to our website and grab the beta version at

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the standout improvements:

:star2: Compatibility Boost: The ThinLinc server has undergone a revamp to seamlessly align with the latest Python versions, including Python 3.12. This sets the stage for upcoming releases like Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10 and Ubuntu 24.04. Plus, we’ve got you covered with support for recent distributions like Fedora 39!

:closed_lock_with_key: Security Reinforcement: We’ve diligently addressed various security concerns in both the ThinLinc server and client. Rest assured, these issues are either challenging to exploit, or come with minimal consequences. For a smoother and safer experience, we recommend upgrading at your convenience.

But wait, there’s more!

:bookmark_tabs: Release Notes: For a comprehensive overview of all the exciting changes in this release, don’t forget to check out the release notes on the same page.

Please keep in mind that this pre-release version is best suited for testing and exploration, so refrain from using it on critical systems. We’re counting on your collaboration to make ThinLinc even better! :rainbow: