ThinLinc Presentation - Robert Henschel, Indiana University @ CARLA 2020

Cendio was a main sponsor at this year’s CARLA conference, the flagship HPC conference for the Latin American region. This year the conference was 100% virtual, and we had Robert Henchel back to present his Research Desktop (RED) solution at Indiana University. A previous presentation by Robert on the same topic can be found here.

  • Who: Robert Henschel, Director of Research Software and Solutions, IU
  • When: Wednesday September 2nd 2020
  • Abstract: Indiana University has long provided high performance computing (HPC) resources free of charge to all students, faculty and staff. This has allowed research teams from very diverse science disciplines to explore high performance computing. Over the last 5 years, we noticed that new users struggle more and more with adopting the traditional way of using HPC systems; console-based remote batch processing. To address this challenge, Indiana University has created the Research Desktop (RED); a remote Linux desktop offering which bridges the gap between running interactive graphical applications, and utilising HPC systems. In this talk, Robert Henschel will outline the history of RED, its design considerations, utilisation statistics, and future plans.
  • Robert Henschel is Director of Research Software and Solutions at Indiana University. Henschel serves as the chair of the Standard Performance Evaltuation Corporation (SPEC), and also as the treasurer of the OpenACC organisation.