Video forwarding

Is any on integrating video forwarding ? Since Linux has all the tools for this on board, it seems like pretty low handing fruit. It might be more difficult to get this to work for the windows and Mac clients, but for Linux clients it should be a piece of cake.

Dear Tobias

We have a running solution for linux clients (Thinstation, Ubuntu), but
until now we found no time to make a public package of it :frowning:

The setup should be secure and is quite stable (we are using it daily
with MS-teams and other Browser based webcam applications). If you’re
interested, please contact me directly.

And ‘no’, at least for us, it was not ‘piece of cake’ :wink: … at the beginning it looked like an easy job, but several weeks later (after ‘tlwebcam’ was productive), it was a typical IT project: we expected one week work, but spent several weeks. From a cost related view: the development was much too expensive - nevertheless, we’re happy to have it now.



I’m also very interested, we’ve been using thinlinc for while and one staff member required zoom to work flawlessly so we had to install a standalone box for her. It would be great to have it all centrally managed again.

Dear Crose,

Please let me know how to redirect client webcam to thinlinc server. As you mentioned, you developed something that will redirect webcam into thinlinc server. Can I try myself if you allow ? If we like it, then probably we can discuss further on the cost.

Best, Surendra

Dear @map7, @surendra5254 - we’ll discuss this in our team on how to publish a preview and hopefully post a link here beginning of next week.


Dear @crose,

Thank you for the update. We will wait for your feedback.

Best, Surendra

Dear @crose , Please let me know if there is any chance to get the evaluation of tlwebcam.

Best, Surendra

We make progress (tlwebcam-server 70% ready, tlwebcam-client open). Give me please this weekend.

Dear @crose, Please let me know is there any update for tlwebcam-client app.

Best, Surendra

Dear @crose, Let me know any chance to check tlwebcom this week.

Best, Surendra

Dear Surendra

I’m sorry to be so late, too many other requests :grimacing:.

The install script for the server is ready - in the first version - but the client is missing. So this won’t help you. Nevertheless, you can check out thinlinc / tl-webcam · GitLab.

Most important are probably the current restrictions! Maybe your setup doesn’t fit - than it’s clear that you should not wait any longer?

  • tl-webcam provides a virtual forwarding of local webcam on a linux client (only Ubuntu 22.04 tested) to a thinlinc server (vsmagent).
  • The forwarding will work only if the client and the vsm-agent has a direct connection to each other (no firewall in between). This is a requirement of the WebRTC protocol. Currently using of STUN/TURN services is not implemented.
  • The webcam is captured at resolution 640x480, which can be modified in src/constants/ (this file must coincide on both client and server!).
  • MJPEG format is preferred with a raw stream as the second option. This resolution has been picked, because the client encodes the video stream into h264 and our terminals cannot handle higher resolutions!
  • Video loopback devices on the server side are fed with video in raw format yuv420p / I420.

We try to work on the client during the next days - If we fail to finish, I’m worry we have to wait until mid of August at earliest.


I’m still looking forward to this solution as it’s something we’ve been lacking with the current setup. Please let me know when it’s ready to test.

Dear @crose,

Thank you for the update. I am excited to see the full version of tl-webcam. I hope you will be launching test version in few days or week.

Best, Surendra

Dear @crose,

Please let me know if you have any further update for the client module development.

Best, Surendra

Dear @crose ,

I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to check where the development stands and when we can have the first version for testing.

Best, Surendra