I am trying to find a configuration option to enable sending keyboard shortcuts aka hotkeys to target system.
I have “send system keys” enabled in my ThinLinc client, but even Alt+Tab is switching windows on my source PC with Windows 10 instead of on my target Linux machine
Hello @johny_mnemonic,
For key combos, such as alt+tab, Thinlinc needs to be run in fullscreen mode for the keys to work in the remote session.
Kind regards,
Does switching the currently opened session from windowed to fullscreen count as well?
I tried it and it still didn’t grab my keyboard so to speak, same as when switched back to windowed mode.
Starting the session in fullscreen and then switching to a windowed mode works and keyboard is grabbed correctly, i.e. the keyboard shortcuts go to remote session only when the window is active.
So I don’t honestly understand why you do not allow keyboard grab in windowed mode if it works this good @martin
Is there a way how to enforce the resolution of the opened session, i.e. set it to 1920x1080? I have 49" screen on my desktop, so I want to have the session opened only on part of my screen.
Edit: Unfortunately it seems I tested it wrong. Or it did stop working after a while, but keyboard shortcuts are not working after switching to windowed mode and even switching back to fullscreen won’t make it working again😭 So it is basically not usable for general use outside of staying in the fullscreen whole time.
Hello @johny_mnemonic
Could you give me enough details, so I can replicate the issues you’re facing with the hotkeys, please?
Regarding the resolution, I believe you should set the resolution in your desktop environment, in Settings/Display.
Kind regards,
Chiming in here because I’d also would like to have the ThinLinc client to be able to grab system keys while I have the client in focus in windowed mode. I saw there was a bugzilla thread regarding this: 4660 – Option for grabbing keys ("send system keys") in non-fullscreen mode
It eventually pointed back to this thread. Is this feature still being worked on?
Hi @kurisu-io,
This feature is not being actively worked on at the moment. We’re focusing on the last pieces of 4.15.0 and all our devs are trying to finalise that release as soon as possible.
If you could describe your use-case for hotkeys in windowed mode a bit more, I can make sure to update our dev’s on this, as it will help us prioritise what issues / features to focus on going forward.
Kind regards,
Hi @martin, thank you so much for the update.
Basically, I use an ultrawide monitor and I generally don’t use my remote session in full-screen, I tend to keep it windowed and snapped to some portion of my screen. I don’t need the remote screen to take up my ultrawide screen. Staying in windowed mode allows me to work on both my local and remote desktops easily. The hotkeys are needed to efficiently navigate around the GNOME desktop environment. GNOME heavily uses the WIN key. If the ThinLinc client does not grab the hotkey, it causes my local machine’s start menu to pop up which disrupts what I’m doing in the remote screen.
This usage pattern is basically what I had with x2go and NoMachine, both of which can grab the system keys even while in windowed mode.
Thank you @kurisu-io for the explanation. I’ve updated our internal systems with this info.
Kind regards,
Thank you @martin for considering it!
Hi Martin - In testing from an HP Thin Client → to a ThinLinc Linux desktop → Vinagre RDP to a Windows RDS Server, I see keystroke intercept issues. We use the F8 key a lot inside the EHR (i.e. Medical software), which from the ThinLinc menu presents a pop-up menu, that I can re-assign. Noted. But, other key combinations present challenges. Example: Ctrl + Q is used in the EHR software quite frequently, but has no effect there as it closes RDP session.
If we are inside a menu program, Alt + works, so healthcare providers could use Alt+O to close the many dialog boxes that appear daily, rather than reaching for the mouse, moving the mouse then clicking on the Okay button.
To be clear, even with launching the ThinLinc session as fullscreen, then launching the Vinagre RDP session as fullscreen, depressing Ctrl + Q closes the RDP session, disconnecting (rather than performing a Sign Off, fortunately) the user session.
Still testing, but came across this recent thread and wanted to provide input on keyboard combinations of interest. Any input is appreciated.
Good luck with the future development.
Hello @Bill
Nested remote sessions can be challenging, some times
This doesn’t really sound like an ThinLinc issue, imho. If you use Vinagre RDP on a local Linux system and remote to a Windows system with EHR, I think Ctrl+Q would behave the same.
I think you would need to unmap the Ctrl+Q keyboard bindning in your desktop environment (inside the ThinLinc session).