Poll - Virtual or Physical servers? [CLOSED]

Continuing on with our #poll series, this time we’d like to know what you run your ThinLinc servers on. Bare metal? On-premises hypervisor? Somewhere in the cloud?

Certain use cases are better suited to bare metal, for example those requiring direct access to specialised hardware such as a GPU. Virtualisation makes adding more servers to a cluster easy, but since it also enables resources to be changed dynamically on a single server, perhaps it eliminates the need to run ThinLinc in a cluster configuration at all.

In any case, it would be interesting to know how you run and administer your ThinLinc servers at hardware level, so feel free to elaborate using the comment section below.

This poll will run until 2021-07-27T23:59:00Z. Happy voting!

Which platform do you run your ThinLinc servers on?
  • Physical server(s)
  • VMWare vSphere
  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • KVM-based (e.g. OpenStack)
  • Xen-based (e.g. Oracle VM, Citrix XenServer)
  • Cloud-based (e.g. AWS, Compute Engine)
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters

Running on OmniOS servers in Bhyve zone


Haven’t come across OmniOS or Bhyve before, but I see that @tobias.oetiker is involved in the project. Looks interesting.

Back in the days, TL was supporting Solaris 10, and OmniOS is a distribution of Illumos, which is a fork of OpenSolaris, now developing away more and more from the Solaris system.
Many of the Illumos distributions have support for Bhyve, the BSD H/W virtualization hypervisor, that is run in branded zone on OmniOS.
You can probably also run TL in an LX zone on OmniOS, but I have never tried that. Maybe even in a native zone, but that would need a lot of effort, probably.
Anyway, OmniOS is a very stable and robust platform with a lot of possibilities, so for the ones that like to try it out, check it out at: https://omnios.org/, or join the conversation on the email list


We have also been doing that for a number of years now … works great.

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The poll is now closed. It has been interesting to learn how people run their ThinLinc servers; KVM is popular, and it looks like bare metal is still around to stay. These are interesting observations which tell us a lot about how people use the product.

It has also been interesting to learn about OmniOS/Bhyve. If you use another solution which isn’t mentioned here, we’d love to hear about it. Thanks to everyone who took part.